Sunday 17 December 2023


TODAY! @ 12P -6P SLT

Sponsored by:

The Bearded Guy & BAD UNICORN

          BAD(DER) SANTA'S WORKSHOP      

The Forty Thieves are having their Winter SHOWCASE, and they have chosen Pixel Swagger as the Host Sim for their event! This Showcase is a must attend! 6 Hours of the top DJ's in SL Spinning for you!

The Forty Thieves Present: Bad(der) Santa's Workshop
December 17, 2023 @ 12pm SLT (poster below)
Where: LIVE @Pixel Swagger

Santa is getting ready for this ADULT Party which is located in his Naughty Workshop!

Bad Unicorn Redrum Axe
Gild Santa Mode
               Gild Santa Bag Red
               Gild Shoulder Pants Red
               Gild Santa Hat Red
              Basic Socks
              Untied Nubuck Boots
Sal'Goss Bourbon Glass V2 Gold

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